Edmonton carpet cleaning - Edmonton carpet cleaning
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- 2020-05-06
Hi, My names Jonathan and I'm a carpet cleaningtechnician with Home Pros Fort McMurray.After booking your cleaning with a Home Prosrep, a technician will come to your residenceat a desired time and confirm the pricingand procedure with the homeowner if available.Carpet Cleaning
The technician will then go over any areasof concern with the homeowner, discussingwhat stains need to be focused on and whatkind of results can be expected from the clean.
We lay down drop sheets and corner guardsto ensure the residence stays clean and tidybefore beginning to work.We vacuum the area prior to bringing in thesteam machine to ensure most of the surfacedirt gets removed from the exterior of thecarpet.Next, we spray a cleaner across the carpet.
The chemicals used are pet and people friendly,but work just as hard as traditional cleaners.We use concentrated blasts over problem areasand make sure all stains receive special treatment.The technician then brings in the steam cleanerand begins to work.Blasting steam deep into the carpets fibershelps to loosen the grime while simultaneouslyvacuuming it away leaving the carpet lookingas fresh as the first day it was installed.
Not only does a proper and professional carpetclean from Home Pros provide a healthier lifestyle for you and your family, it also expandsthe life of your carpets, adding value toyour home as it remove any dust, debris, andpollutants that may be hidden deep withinthe carpet fibers.
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